Ville Lindholm — Curriculum Vitae


I am an experienced full stack software engineer currently based in Helsinki, Finland. I am interested in writing code that is readable, (appropriately) scalable and well-architected. I am always curious about new paradigms, patterns and tools.

In my spare time I write poetry and fiction, read a lot of books and dabble in improvisational theatre and windsurfing. I also contribute to open source projects when I have the time!

Recent Experience

Years of experience: ~12 years. This is a rough estimate: I started learning programming as a teen in 1999 and my first programming job was in 2002, constructing web shops in Perl for my local ISP. I then worked on and off with coding until I graduated university, so it's hard to put a number on my "years of experience".

Memfault 2021 — 2024

Full-stack developer for a web app that ingests data from millions of IoT devices. Migrated the service from Heroku to AWS. Developed a more advanced permission system (backend + UI). Developed a "batch operations" API for common tasks in the UI (think e-mail batch operations).

Stack: AWS, React (TypeScript), Flask/Sqlalchemy/Celery (Python), PostgreSQL, ClickHouse.

Playvation / Moomin Language School 2019 — 2021

Senior Software Developer. Backend and admin/content creation UI of an educational mobile app for children (built with Unity). Implemented a GraphQL API for the admin web app, and substantial UI/UX improvements. Added a robust DevOps pipeline instead of manual deployments, bringing deployment time down from hours/days to minutes (on both AWS and AWS China). Also worked on the product itself, a Unity-based mobile app, mainly on asset organization improvements.

Stack: AWS, React (TypeScript), Express (TypeScript), PostgreSQL, Unity (C#).

Duodecim Publishing Company Ltd 2017 — 2019

Lead developer for EBMEDS, a CE class IIa medical device (it's purely software though). Did a full rewrite of an extremely legacy codebase into modern TypeScript, as well as moving the service into AWS.

Also worked on the early version of the HL7 FHIR standard, both implementing parts of it for the Finnish OmaOlo national self-assessment platform (available to all Finnish citizens to get automated access to appropriate public healthcare), as well as taking part in working group meetings and conferences related to the standard itself.

Stack: AWS, TypeScript.


Aalto University

Bachelor's degree: Applied Physics
Master's degree: Applied Physics
Major: Energy physics (Fusion energy and plasma simulation)

University of Helsinki

Bachelor's degree: Nordic literature



Languages/Frameworks: TypeScript, Python, React, HTML and CSS.

Databases/Infra: REST and GraphQL APIs, AWS, Terraform, Ansible, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Redis, RabbitMQ, shell scripting.

Other: Scrum, Canban and Shape Up work processes


Rust, C, Swift, C#, C++


Elixir, Common Lisp, Zig


Available on request (don't want to expose contact information needlessly for bots to scrape).